Educational Consultants can partner CONQUEZ to leverage our Deep Network advantage and Education Management expertise to connect to global opportunities

CONQUEZ can be your ideal business partner if you represent a foreign education institution, or you are into international admission counseling, career advisory, training, content development or student-sourcing in any country. We can work on wide variety of mutually beneficial education enabling, improvement, and facilitation projects and assignments.
Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) and Lighthouse initiatives of CONQUEZ, for example, open up wonderful new possibilities for education facilitators globally, who wish to help their client universities and institutions to expand their influence, products and programs beyond their campuses and into other countries.

Custom Int’l Admission Solution for Your Applicants
If you are an international admission consultant, we can help create for your client-students, powerful custom-tailored, affordable and trustworthy international admissions and scholarships opportunities at bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, Fellow and super specialization levels that cut across academic capabilities and backgrounds of your students.
Trust CONQUEZ for helping your client-students study in renowned North American, European, Australian and Asian institutions. We will tailor a unique international admission and scholarship program for a batch of your client-students registered with for assistance. Click International Admissions & Scholarship to know more about the CONQUEZ IntED solutions.
Write to us at opportunities@conquez.com to know more about how CONQUEZ can partner you and create effective international admission solutions for your client-students.

Off-Campus Global Lighthouse Programs for Your Clients
CONQUEZ LightHouse programs are ideal international education solution for those students who are unable to join on-campus program of an international institution due to academic reasons or personal circumstances. We design high-quality off-campus hybrid programs, delivered through state-of-the-art virtual classroom and digital learning mechanisms in synchronous (real-time) or asynchronous (recorded, offline) modes. Even the degrees, credentials and qualifications awarded to Lighthouse registrants are exactly the same as those awarded by partner universities to their regular, on-campus students.
The essence is extreme convenience and affordability, without any compromise on learning or qualification. We collaborate intensively with select global institutions in North America, Europe, Australia, New-Zealand and APAC to co-create these highly specialized Lighthouse programs.
Another great advantage of Lighthouse is being able to learn what students really desire to, despite not being a regular on-campus student. Many of the LightHouse programs in a select group of majors can be custom designed for students of institutions or employees of organizations with unique learning and education needs.
Click here to read more about the CONQUEZ Lighthhouse Programs. If you want to understand more on how we can custom-tailor Lighthouse solutions for your client-students or for students of your client universities, please write to us at opportunities@conquez.com

Enhance Your Global Student Sourcing Business
The deep CONQUEZ networks with education consultants, schools and higher education institutions around the world – especially in Asia, Africa and South America – place us ideally for helping you source students for your client universities and colleges.Our streamlined processes and experienced teams are geared to tap our global student pipelines to connect you with potential students and even manage the admission process end-to-end, if you so wish.
Currently, CONQUEZ networks reach out to over 2000 consultants, schools, and potential-student sources, giving us the capacity to can create powerful custom-tailored, and trustworthy international student-pipelines for bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, fellow and super specialization levels with desired diversity across academic capabilities and backgrounds. Write to us at opportunities@conquez.com to know more about how you can leverage CONQUEZ to offer effective international student sourcing solutions to your client universities.

On-campus Global Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) Programs for Your Client Universities
For those students of your client-institutions who are unable to immediately qualify for international institutions because of their scores or backgrounds, we design high-quality multi-modal Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) education programs and solutions that are delivered right within international campuses of a wide range of nationally and internationally accredited universities and colleges across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and APAC. Uniquely designed and delivered on-campus programs help Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) students iron out all their capability mismatches to emerge equal to other students in the regular batches by the sophomore (2nd) year of a typical 4-year undergrad program, prepare students for the rigorous undergrad coursework spun around liberal arts education, which most global institutions follow today.
Click here to read more about the CONQUEZ Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) Programs, If you want to understand more on how we can custom-tailor Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) solutions for students of your client universities and institutions, please write to us at opportunities@conquez.com

Education & Management Excellence Solutions
You can leverage CONQUEZ EdEX solutions if you are into education consulting. You can help your client educational and learning institutions expand their reach, enhance their brand-prominence and reputation, improve market-attractiveness of their offerings and enrich faculty and learning mechanisms – in an accelerated manner, at a fraction of the costs, which otherwise universities have to incur because of trial and error.
CONQUEZ offers four suites of EdEx solutions – Revenue & Financial Health Management; Reputation & Eminence Management; Learning Excellence Management, and Global Student Sourcing & Pipeline Management – covering all four critical nodes of the modern education delivery value chain – market and revenue expansion; business viability; operational excellence and brand health. Click here to read more about CONQUEZ EdEX services. If you wish to understand more on how we can go about exploring EdEX for your client institutions, please write to us at opportunities@conquez.com