CONQUEZ develops affordable and worldclass education solutions for seekers of higher or vocational or professional learning & qualification around the world.

Studying Abroad Made Exceedingly Easy
The cost of education is rising in most African, Latin American and Asian countries. There is rising competition for admission in local universities and colleges as well. And finally, severe education quality challenges still pervade in these countries because of paucity of resources and expertise. When compared with local education options, the overall return on investments on global education most often turns out to be much higher than what is offered by institutions in most other countries.
CONQUEZ education expressway connects students seeking international education opportunities with the best institutions they deserve to be in. Our IntEd solutions offer custom-tailored, affordable and trustworthy international admissions and scholarships opportunities at bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, Fellow and super specialization levels for students with varying academic capabilities and backgrounds. We directly work with a wide range of nationally and internationally accredited universities and colleges across North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and APAC to design high-quality multi-modal education programs and solutions that are delivered off-campus. Many of our learning opportunities offer twinning advantages of undergoing a double degree program simultaneously
Trust CONQUEZ for helping you study in renowned North American, European, Australian and Asian institutions. Click International Admissions & Scholarship to know more about the CONQUEZ IntED solutions that can be designed for your specific needs. If you want us to contact your Director/ Principal for a higher-education solutions for students of your institution, write to us at

CONQUEZ Lighthouse – Global Qualification. Local Costs
Lighthouse is for students who desire to obtain international qualifications and study special subjects, without the hassles of spending huge fee or shifting to another country. Many of the LightHouse programs in a select group of majors can be custom designed for students of institutions or employees of organizations with unique learning and education needs.
CONQUEZ LightHouse programs are off-campus hybrid, delivered through state-of-the-art virtual classroom and digital learning mechanisms in synchronous (real-time) or asynchronous (recorded, offline) modes. We collaborate intensively with select global institutions in North America, Europe, Australia, New-Zealand and APAC under its LightHouse initiative to co-create highly specialized programs that can be affordably and conveniently taken by students living away in other parts of the world.
Even the degrees, credentials and qualifications awarded to Lighthouse registrants are exactly the same as those awarded by partner universities to their regular, on-campus students. The essence is extreme convenience and affordability, without any compromise on learning or qualification. Click here to learn more about CONQUEZ LightHouse and pre-register. If you want us to contact your Director/ Principal for custom-tailored Lighthouse solutions for students of your institution, write to us at

CONQUEZ Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) – If You Couldn’t Get Direct Admissions
If you could not somehow get admission abroad because of academic reasons, choose CONQUEZ Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) to obtain international education without losing any further time. Remember, many non-American and non-European applicants to international colleges and universities in US or Europe often can’t meet admission requirements because of academic shortcomings.
Uniquely designed and delivered on-campus programs help Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) student iron out all their capability mismatches to emerge equal to other students in the regular batches by the sophomore (2nd) year of a typical 4-year undergrad program. prepare students for the rigorous undergrad coursework spun around liberal arts education, which most global institutions follow today.
CONQUEZ works with a select group of global institutions to create special 1st year on-campus programs for Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) students to help them catch up with the university-prescribed prerequisites by the time they reach the second year, and then this Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) batch joins the mainstream, regular class of the university 2nd year onward.
Click here to read more about the CONQUEZ Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) Programs and how it fits your learning and qualification requirements.
If you want us to contact your Director/ Principal for custom-tailored Global Academic Accelerator Program (GAAP) solutions for students of your institution, write to us at

Get International Certifications Right in Your Local Campus
If you’re majoring in technology, business or analytics from a university even as you read this, and you are not able to decide on your higher education plans abroad, the best way to add a dash of international qualification is to earn a rigorous, vendor-neutral credential in your field. 3rd party certifications from international standards bodies are the most respected by employers.
They’re platform-neutral and prove your knowledge and skills across technology platforms. Conquez is connected to some of the world’s most respected, 3rd-party standards bodies in many disciplines, whose certifications are platform-agnostic, and can be completed within 3 months of self-paced study.
Tell us if you want us to contact your Director/ Principal for custom-tailored certification solutions for your classmates and for other students of your institution. You can write to us at